
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu o you these product

That is a group of nest Nu person, about have more than 600s, back Zhao of body a big package, the nest Nu person was originally a hunchback, package crest is on their hunchbacks:The package is the skin used a kind of wild beast to stitch but become, don't know that the 裏 noodles packs Zhao what goods, a "utter Chi to utter Chi" the ground breathe heavily Zhao thick spirit.

The troops front is lifted Zhao two people by eight nest Nu persons, fasten Zhao two thick wood rods on a deck chair, four nest Nu persons lift Zhao a person, and the speed slow-movingly comes over here.

Lin Qi Yu clapped 11 Langs and said:"You ask."

11 Langs smile happily ground to come out from the forest 裏 and say:"Feed, what person are you ?"

Those two people got a fright and sent out-the voice bawl at.The nest Nu person lets go of a deck chair, 2 people quickly come down, and an among those come forward to say:"We are the persons who delivers goods, you are ……"

Lin Qi Yu discovers that these two energy in the human bodieses are very common, the super evolution of the equal Wu mankind level, how do they dare to arrive to pray mountain range?He the heart 裏 can not help curious.

11 Langs say:"We are pass by this 裏 , do you deliver goods? send what goods? doesn't afraid someone rob?"

"Rob? is that what mean?"

11 Langs are rendered speechless counter-questioned, unexpectedly don't know to rob is what mean, the person of this 裏 thus pure?He explained for a long time, those 2 people were still not understand.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Is old seven, rob a package to come over."

Old seven Shan bodieses rend away a package, Lin Qi Yu walks to come forward to say:"This is to rob." once connects old seven pass of package, with put before two Human bodies.

Chapter 1 oblation set(next)

Those 2 people smiled, an among those said:"Is so, ha ha, if you need, can send to you, these products all want to send to an oblation set go to of, the every ability is praying the person whom the mountain range has a foothold, can literally take to use, why the need for want to rob."

Lin Qi Yu is similar to 11 Langs to listen to rendered speechless.

"Oblation set?"

That person explanation way:"Surround to pray mountain range, there are numerous oblation sets, once in a while, we all want to send to a batch of goods to go in, the oblation gives is praying the person of the self-discipline of mountain ranges 裏 to enjoy."

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Why? why do you want to deliver goods into?"

That person shows very strange appearance more and says:"Why? this …… don't you know? stay orison the person of turn outside the mountain range, all gets into to pray mountain range those host leave of servant or inferiority, prepare various supplies oblation, settle them of mission."

This is again a kind of customs, every get into to pray mountain range of strong, will leave one part of inferiorities and servant, with the passage of the Zhao years, is praying a turn outside the mountain range, had large numbers of variation persons and intelligence living creature.

They take orders their they's host's wills and is responsible for collections to make various product, after a period of time Hou send go into a , gradual evolve a kind of habit for being established by usage.

Be sent to the product of oblation set, living in to pray the strong in the mountain range can literally take to use, and oblation like this again BE-in multiple layers pass into, strong live in an outside turn, they also want to collect to make various product and put into the oblation set of deeper 1 F.This kind of way of doing justly has already formed a set of mode for fixing.

That person again way:"The of strong fights to spread to us, we as long as sending out to plea for help signal, any strongs that receive signal will rush through to help."

Say Zhao, he takes out a metal tube that the finger grows, before Lin Qi Yu's eyes rock for a while, the meaning is to warn Lin Qi Yu et al not to make a mess of, they can make people come over at any time.

Is old seven in brief scanned for a while, say:"Is that a voice wave stir up a machine."

That person doesn't understand old seven say what, he lays up metal tube and says:"I call to cover with You Lu, he is a second Yu." two of him express the attitudes of from beginning to end all friendly.

Lin Qi Yu says with smile:"I am Lin Qi Yu, these are 11 Langs and old seven."

Cover with You Lu to say:"Our side walks the side chat, ha ha, also need to walk very long road."

Lin Qi Yu is tiny tiny on smiling, arrived this 裏 he also no longer the Zhao is hasty, say:"Good, we walk." he wants to understand everything of praying the mountain range and passes these two people, can know a lot of circumstances.

Cover with You Lu to seem to be really to like to talk, the attitude is also very moderate, Lin Qi Yu chews the fat all the way with him, and that 裏 gets much useful information from he.

Luckily become friends with cover with You Lu, Lin Qi Yu just have no bridge of going straight to the world recklessly, because the bridge of world is controled, if boldly intrude into to go, the Hou fruit will be very serious.

This 裏 combines to be different from to pull Mo Ji ugly say of so, the incorrectly pass on a mistaken message lets to pray mountain range to become to make people terrible, in fact the persons of this 裏 all very Ping-ho, few occurrence put together dead to mutually fight.

Those strong or have the person of great ability, all is according to row preface, from pray mountain range periphery slowly to district in the center move, the self-discipline gets the approbation of surrounding strong to certain degree Hou extent, so as to go deep into further.They most avoid as taboo of is not according to the rules torch, keep the bridge of rushing the world, that will arouse a laying siege to of big part of strong.

Pray mountain range is also the place that takes strong as, the cent of top and bottom grade is very strict, ability lowly person, have to obey an ability strong person.

Cover with You Lu for the sake of the self-discipline, the Lan descended to deliver living of goods, they could stop over a period of time in the oblation set.The place that more closes to the bridge of world, more easy absorption energy, surroundings of the energy is very abundant, lend this opportunity, they can just a little raise the energy in their own body.

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"The since knowing the energy of that 裏 of oblation set is abundant, you why don't stay in that 裏 self-discipline, but want to lend the Zhao the opportunity to deliver goods to close to?"

Cover with a You Lu wry smile way:"Because the peacetime enters not, the dimensionless stone Feng wood separates, no one can come in ……"

11 Langs say:"Are you how to come ins?"

Cover with You Lu to say:"From pray on the stage to come over of."

Lin Qi Yu inquire for a long time, just understand this is a kind of transmission method, it opens just in the particular time segment, time return to also want has been prayed Taiwan.

Still have a kind of transmission method is to make use of an orison turn, if the ability not enough person wants to be strong line of to pass to pray a turn, have to face to die, unless the host have ability escort they.

The truely capable person has two kinds of methods past, 1 kind is to fly over there, a kind of from the orison turn pass by, the ability more and greatly takes of the person is more many.

The orison set contains an equilibrium principle, past how much person, come back and then have to have how much person, if the number isn't enough, so next time deliver and then will reduce a number.Cover with You Lu Shuo that is the rules torch that prays mountain range, therefore he doesn't dare to linger for a long time oblation set, at stipulate of time inside return, is the rule that they have to obey.

It are middle ages to cover with You Lu and all of second Yus, cover with You Lu Mian's white to need not, crow's feet very deep, one eyes son is vivid abnormality, the lips are very thin, on the face all the time department dew Zhao moderate smiling face.

The second Yu is one face bushy beard, the personality has a little introverted, all the way silent few speech, at times speak a few lines, press those nest Nu person, let them quickly walk faster.

The Lin Qi Yu heart 裏 cuts and polishes, according to the rules torch of this 裏 , qualifications have to obtain first to have a foothold, however the Hou want to obtain approbation from the same Class strong, so as to take side to the bridge of world.

Whatever project, Lin Qi Yu all feels difficult, he doesn't want to expend too many time in this 裏 , but if don't do according to the rules torch, have to be strong to march forward go into.

He the head of Nao Nao, the momentary card is on this hard nut to crack.

Cover with You Lu Wen's way:"Are you how to come ins?"

Ten-the Lang interrupt conversation a way:"We are to fly incoming."

Covering with You Lu and second Yu person to eat an is surprised, can fly to the person of this 裏 ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, absolutely is a severe person.Cover with You Lu to gingerly ask a way:"Did not rely on outside dint …… fly into?"

The ability of relying on the oneself flies of person, at pray mountain range to also be regarded as strong.

11 Langs lightly say:"Is."

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Will fly …… have what advantage?"

Cover with You Lu not to know how to answer.BE praying mountain range, will fly to also mean that the Zhao owned strong real strenght, the persons of this 裏 all know, once the person, who fight, flies up a sky, surroundings of the person had better hide far-order, only have in the world of bridge square the circle is inside 3,000 kilometer scopes, is the territory that will fly a person.

He says:"Advantage? E, I don't know, "

Is old seven more walk more impatient, the speed in nowadays absolutely this snail climb to still have to be slow, he is really habit not, say:"Host,

