
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu The thief bile TXT complete works _531

Disappear.relationresultXiao Yudare not neglect .To a lost block off the blow .relationresultBangbang .The dark hand hold golden hammer in the face .Will face to knock smash .Stone splash .
Hot shot in his royal body .Invincible time just disappear disappear .Hit .Stealth effect disappears .Fortunately, only rubble .Attack is not high .But the trigger the sacred guardian effect .
Xiao Yushen appeared on a white shield .Xiao Yu glanced skills .Gale step technology just cooling .Use wind walk should be able to run .relationresultXiao Yustarted to run outside .These two guys too terrible .
Both the remote and melee .Attack and high .Do not run or run away .relationresultThegold .relationresultOne ofthe gold in the dark hammer hammering in the face of fierce .For hundreds of yards near the surface suddenly grows a long thorn .
Coveted .Covering type attack .relationresultTwospines and stabbed in the Xiao yu .Xiao Yushen on the sacred Guardian fluctuations .Moment be split .Disappear in smoke. , relationresultXiaoYu swept volume .
There are 12% .relationresultStrongarea attack .relationresultThegold .Another darkness hold gold also play the same skills .relationresultGale step.relationresultXiao Yu opened.Blessings on wind speed skill .
Towards the outside .relationresultInstantaneousinlet .relationresultXiao Yu velocitysoares .Towards the outside hot shot out .At the same time hurriedly took out a bottle of expert instant rejuvenation potion shrub down .
relationresult~ ~this book in the finishing stage .New snail thought for a long time .Originally wanted to go to fantasy .The net swims kind not you know .Later I was thinking .Then write a net swims .
We hope to offer a more exciting games .The book is estimated to be in at the end of the month started publishing .relationresultText chapter four one nine demigod worship , relationresultRoyaldesperately running to the outside ,the two dark hold gold chased him for a distance ,and more far Xiao Royal dark gold opened with more than 50 yards ,thinks itself secure ,did not think things suddenly changed .
relationresultLightningcage !relationresultA black,composed entirely of lightning consisting of the cage will Shaw Royal stuck up .relationresultXiao Yu did notstop in time ,the right hand touches the edge of the cage ,a huge rebound strength will Shaw Royal Flying out .
relationresultXiao Yutopple to the ground, still can run away ,looking at the surrounding dense grid ,wanted to escape is not possible, reluctantly smile, this time to be a sure catch .relationresultThe twodark they came, on both sides of the breakdown .
relationresultOne ofthe gold line :dark sing some spells ,the lightning cage was lifting off .Just after the release ,a robust ray column bombardment .relationresultXiaoYu some escape skills are used up, did not think of or did not run, see this ray bombardment down column ,Xiao Yuyi a lung operation in one of the dark gold body, using lung surgery avoids the darkness with gold .
relationresultDetonation!relationresultIs acolumn in Xiao Imperial bombardment down ,Xiao Yu rushed from the belt out a bottle of nothingness medicament shrub down .relationresultThethunder column bombardment on the ground .
The Xiao Yu station site area bombardment .Thanks to the timely drank nothing potions disappear .To escape .Two dark gold hovering in place for a long time .Xiao Royal seems to disappear in general .
They see not find Xiao yu .Slowly toward the light dark gate way back .relationresultXiaoYu slowly moving two dark gold more and more distant .Safe at last .I heaved a sigh of relief .
relationresultAfter a while.Void agent effect slowly fades .Xiao Yu found a hidden local respite .Void chemical use after few minutes in a weak state of any attack .Even just the ordinary blame can not move .
Only weak state to the past .To be able to move .relationresultXiao Yu will bethe coordinate space transformation recorded .After the event is encountered and the light and dark portal related tasks .
He could always come .relationresultXiao Yuzheng is ready to leave.Heart rising suddenly an idea .Light and dark door here .Will keep their finding herself desert temple also in this neighborhood ?relationresultXiao Yuon the unfolding around the carpet type search .
The nearby desert like strange things to attract the attention of Xiao Yudi .This is a pillar of stone .Weathered left after traces of mottled .Oblique inserted in the sand .Column top and the animal to sculpture .
There has been some damage .But also faintly visible in appearance .relationresultIn thisstretch as far as eye can see desert, how will have such an unexpected things ?relationresultXiaoYu checked the stone pillar position ,distance of light and dark door only a hundred yards and is light and dark door ,this column will not have anything wrong ?relationresultHe can see,this column should be a building of the post, just why it here ?relationresultIsthere was a building ?Looking at the nearby sandy, perhaps the building was buried below !relationresultXiaoYuzai pillars around the turn ,thinking ,thinking whether or not to put the building to find out .
relationresultPositivethinking ,Xiao imperial feet suddenly fail ,fall .relationresultXiao Yuquickly dropped ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu,feeling his tight sediment landfill held their breath ,falling more than ten yards ,adjusted the body posture falls to the ground steadily .
relationresultThe firmlater, Xiao Yu looked at the nearby environment is a deep desert building ,watching the architectural style of Xiao Yu judgment ,there should be a person .relationresultGo forwardwall ,on the ground everywhere with strang animal totem ,dread ferocious ,seemed to jump out ,optional and phage .
relationresultXiao Yu slowlygoing forward ,each step is extremely cautious ,according to Xiao imperial experience ,all the buildings, the grave buildings trap is the most deadly ,at every turn ,he had to be careful .
relationresultSurprisingly,Xiao Yu go for a long time did not touch the trap .relationresultMay it is still outside the tomb . Xiao Yuren does not live to .relationresultCheep,cheep, sound strange sounds coming from the depths of the tomb of * * ,* * in the tomb deep drifted slowly ,seems very strange .
relationresultXiao Yu entered thestealth ,stealth ahead slowly past ,a furry ,something black in Xiao imperial vision ,about a pig size .relationresultCloser,Xiao Yucai see that things look like ,is actually a giant rat .
relationresultXiao Yu gavethe mice lost an investigation .relationresultMutant mice:Sixty aggrandizement elite .relationresultSixty levelaggrandizement elite Xiao royal to deal with them is very difficult ,and the tomb of uncertain what ,if the sound of fighting the other monsters draw ,Xiao Yuye be fraught with grim possibilities ,bypassing the mutant mice ,towards the inside of his past .
relationresultSeveral morevariant mouse appeared in Xiao imperial vision ,Xiao Yu had to be careful ,if disturb these mutant mice ,they Yuqun an attack on Xiao ,Xiao imperial immediately was over ,was killed the mouse is really a not too happy death .
relationresultXiaoYushen took a mouthful , relationresultOpen andhidden virtual step from the wall slowly touched the past .relationresultSqueak,a variant of mouse stood up ,listened to what .
relationresultXiao Yucai remembered,mouse ears are highly sensitive ,quickly stopped .relationresultThevariation of the mouse did not hear anything, lie down .relationresultXiaoYu slowed down ,slowly from these mutant mice pass .
relationresultXiao Yuextremely dangerous, in such a narrow tunnel, have a bit inadvertent there may be variation in the mouse ,but he is a very serious matter ,this map is closed ,this does not enter the copy ?relationresultHecan now have no mind to do copy service ,just want to find a desert temple .

