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These days wine is a very popular evening compliment (or afternoon). Developing a working knowledge of "what is what" in the world of wine can take time but can be enjoyable and a lot of fun. Further, different people have different palates. You may be a red wine drinker like i am but my preference for red wine could very well be different from you. Hey, if it's red, it's gotta be pinot noir for me. Most importantly, it's pinot noir from Oregon, not pinot noir from France. Again, just a personal preference.

So where does a novice with somewhat of a virgin palate start? The best way is dive right in. That's right, don't be afraid to sample a few whites, a few reds, a rose or two, and someday, a good desert wine. One of the best ways to get a good running knowledge is to purchase a thorough beginner's guide. A beginner's guide can give a novice wine connoisseur a good starting point.

A good beginner's guide will provide the wine novice the ability to narrow their choices to a manageable number. How many times have you gone into a nice restaurant and, when given the wine list, feel somewhat intimidated by what seems a thousand different selections. I can tell you that i felt intimidated for years until i began putting some effort into research. While I admit that it's possible to stumble into the depths of wine appreciation, it's nice to know that there is good reference material available to people who enjoy learning. After all, it's easy to choose between cola and root beer or iced tea and sprite,www.headphones-fashion.com. It's not quite as easy to choose between Sonoma Cabernet and Russian River Cabernet.

A good wine guide will be accurate and to the point. Look for it to answer questions such as: 1) Storing wine. At what temperature do the various types of wine need stored?; 2) Is it really necessary to age wines?; 3) What type of stemware goes with what wine?...that's right no more drinking your Cab out of plastic gentlemen; 4) What does it mean to "decant" wine; 5) What is an aerator? and Should i own one?; 6) What is a "Magnum"? No it's not the guy who use to drive a red Ferrari around Hawaii; 7) I read that red wine is heart healthy. Does that mean i can drink a bottle at on setting? I wish! but find out; and 8) Corks or Screw Caps?

These are just a relative few questions that a good wine guide should answer. Trust me, there are many more. Good Luck and Most Importantly, Enjoy! Related articles:

