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What power? Ha-ha , relationresultThe 331st chapter is the spirit world strong men , relationresultSet!It is a word from Ouyang Kouzhong appeared ,Ouyang once again the passage to paradise to fixed ,only this time the true spirit than fixed to channel Ouyang to trouble a lot, and not so your y ù .
relationresultButwhen the channel is fixed in the blink of an eye ,really strong spiritual this group again crazy !Using their power to eclosion Feixianguan channel frame, this needs what power? , relationresultA group of peopleslack, finally have a shrewd man presented a let everyone think he should have proposed two hundred iq !relationresult,this passage should be to Duoer bu world ,why don have a look ! , he put forward the view ,immediately caused a large crowd of people !relationresultYes ,that is absolutely Xianjie someone older ,if you can get this advanced any guidance ,let us also boundlessly ! Don look at this group of people ,usually Niubi with what .
They actually know the fairyland things, they knew ,they this ability, is also in the medium world blow hard .relationresultWhen thearrow of God Ouyang Ranqi cows world that no one can stop it .
relationresultThefairyland and let people law enforcement disciples give seconds was buried underground for decades ... ... It is the great was even a lot of people think Ouyang just hanging out ,but Ouyang later appears again ,and the rapid rise of words .
relationresultSo with thiswarning ,people dare not boast forces ,they are very clear. Now than in the realm of arrow of God Ouyang spikes when even more exaggerated .To read more ,so these people although they feel the gifted ,but they are not compared with the arrow of god .
relationresultGood brother ,wood this proposal . we the many small world have a look ! , another obvious head with small guy loudly with hope in this way to get rid of him in my position.
But this time he apparently is a cloud ,because it does not have a bird he ,everybody pays close attention to is this small world what is strong .relationresultThis advanced powerful everyone ignored ,if it is in the real world to paradise open this channel is no but in the small world , wood brothers began again ,and hear his voice and is also a gasp .
relationresultThe small world of thetime how fragile they of course know ,where a body can be easily breaking the void ,to open the path to paradise ,the required strength is not able to match the Eucharist ,and even in the world so really ripped space may make the true spirit broken not in the small the world that even the Eucharist can easily destroy the space place .
relationresultIn any case will go to have a look ! The hearts of many such a thought, then one split to many small world channel ,and the channel there, gathering in crowds and groups will level for a time the swish of the drilling path .
relationresultItlooks like we go to the zoo this weekend tour to the new panda .And as the giant panda natural Ouyang also found out about this ,but not much attention in Europe these will level strong for medium-sized world is very powerful ,but Ouyang spirit h ú nis absolutely progenitor level this level of Ouyang root don care what will level the strong ,because it is a strong for him .
relationresultA passagefrom the nether world tore small appeared in Dayun capitals over .Pi Qingfeng and loan Qing two people a whoosh from house fly out ,two people watched the sky suddenly channels are lost .
relationresultIn thissmall world ,can tear the community channel ,they see as true spiritual people saw Ouyang opened the door to paradise ,is one to dare to think of things .relationresultIs the elder ? At this time ,the loan clear thought, but he just thought of here ,we can see the channel out of a body wrapped in various colors s è figure.
These figures appear directly broken heart in the idea !relationresultStrong person.Is from the true spirit of the !Can rip the space to at least a ! Credit clearing ,shock at the sky, he suddenly felt the world upside down which many small world after all how? Why all of a sudden out of so many superpower .
relationresultAclass ,that is really the great spirit ,and those who see heaven ,no fifty also have thirty, dozens of the class or even the great above powerhouses suddenly fell into such a small world, do they want to destroy the small world ?relationresultCreditclearing suddenly dismissed the notion because he felt the idea is too naive destroy such a small world ?Destroy this world need so many great ?At a body of law ,now is a method is capable of momentary seconds here any strong .
relationresultLoanrepayment without thinking about it ,you see the sky timing channel light toward the direction of Marshal house fly past, look at the way those strong ,to see the smelly meat goshawk as a loud hum it all over .
relationresultTheloan repayment is nothing ,but Pi Qingfeng can not stand some of the sky ,so many strong moment of all came to his Marshal house ,what did he say? All of these people is to seek revenge ?This is ridiculous !Their skin is also home to many strong into the real world ,but Pi Qingfeng swore ,their skin strong in the true world is definitely not do the digging graves .
Absolutely do not attract so many enemies !relationresultBut the skin below the family juniors ! Suddenly ,the sky ,a very majestic voice from heaven sound into the ear of Pi Qingfeng ,Pi Qingfeng looks up to see the double Tu ì Jidirect a trembling fell fell down to the ground .
relationresultNo money,it is leather home from its inception as the metamorphosis of talent ,training speed the most bizarre skin repair !This percutaneous Xiuwen but a legend ,from twelve years old and began to practice ,to age thirty-four nine order peak into the true spirit, from the spirit to enter it now a mere thousand years ,has reached the three party will,beats by dre solo, from the emergence of Feixianguan formation is the last step .
This leather Xiuwen have been used as skin home God worship .relationresultAlthough Pi Qingfenghas not seen Pi Xiuwen ,but he was once seen skin Xiuwen picture .Now see the living ancestor appears here, how can Pi Qingfeng J īmove?relationresultSkin home ,Pi Qingfeng tried to say his family is interrupted by Pi Xiuwen ,skin repair : with me nonsense ,say that what you ! The phrase Pi Xiuwen let Pi Qingfeng speechless ,but think is also good ,Pi Xiuwen claimed to be me he really dare not say anything ,but when Pi Xiuwen claimed to be him I also to drop from the identity .
relationresultPi Qingfeng saw old juniors ! Pi Qingfeng not so tedious introduction, opening directly say their name !relationresultGood !You know it now in the government who is in the ! Pi Xiuwen looked at the Pi Qingfeng open, and Pi Qingfeng heard it knew Pi Xiuwen ancestor say who it is ,the recognition is accounted for by his son that predecessor .
relationresultGenerations to know ... ... Pi Qingfeng s è ared ,but Pi Qingfeng voice just fell ,from the marshal house came a voice .relationresultI watch you practice but my spirit mountain arrogant sword tips ,you but my spirit mountain disciples ? Of course ,this voice is Ouyang ,Ouyang said the man nature is that leather leather repair at Xiuwen is not low ,even to this group of people also is definitely count as one of the very best . Related articles:

