
beats by dre solo a voice he is stunn

The time that grows most also several decades, this several 10-year insides, ever since that time be cast away this in the world by the parents, the whole distresses all want their oneselfs to face, everything of happy oneself go to satisfied taste, now she really the feeling Wu arrived the impact of destiny,beats by dre solo.She feels that she makes absolute being bad ground of to fall in love with in the on the travel ghost of life since the young girl of onset of puberty walked from think a quite good man, at this time she just suddenly realize, living how with ownly imagine isn't one thing.Felt before Gao Ren of the Jin China statures is handsome also very natural and unrestrained, felt now that he just wants to refuse that he is acting the fool.She in mind curses and scolds she hereafter never love a person too much, the meeting is led long a nose by him to walk, frequently square inch greatly disorderly, if be ordered by the magic wand in, over completely and all not ability from there is no own thought already, there is no own loving, anger, saddness, and happiness, you take him as center and is him as own whole world.And she also makes it a rule to this kind of to tolerate by herself and take no cognizance oneself for his pay, the just like is at a candle and do regardless of personal safety combustion, for beg momentary heat and light.Need candle Ran to exert, oneself's have nothing at all.She the ground of Ying Ying weep over and wish,the true love is a reasonable not from of inequality.Love a person to love Hun however oblivion ego, whole body the love of the heart have never stayed a leeway,such as moth, for oneself to rush toward fire generally, oneself also feels strong beautiful, now but is a ground of in total disorder, the Di Juan feels the loss that oneself can not face he or she to miserably weigh, own love such as brilliant of the smoke spend and bloom at each in the daytime and dark night, but oneself's forgetting in the space that separates a life time will have reality in of many helpless, she once thinks to love a person not to need the other party to know, ever wanted and collects as treasure this fine feelings is remembering deep place, after vindicating, she feels that the other party will think greatly of own of feelings, oneself once a time in a dream shouts he or she the heart lover's son, and Be waked up with a start to midnight in;If isn't is more unwilling than to lose this possible opportunity, lose this predestination forever, if isn't is more unwilling than deep-rooted of remember fondly and wait for willing be covered with dust to with the passage of the years heart bottom, probably this feelings is all secret forever, ever thought that the person of oneself heart house is to read to understand to have been silently waiting for at her under, knew that her feelings is earnest, the test that can experience time and distance of, once thought as long as being to sincerely pay, will own the feeling and love that oneself wants, meeting each other sincerely of fusion, now, she but the elephant didn't start and then fail.She feels that the tree of her own love just floats zero with the breeze, she profoundly feels that the love is just a sweet but again grief folk song, can condense into her heart bottom and deeply remember fondly and keep company with her silent tasty in the later years.If destining this present life can far and far remember fondly, she wishes to do a fixed star that is silent to stay and wait for the other party, just in the distance quietly the looking beyond silently pray to bless for him for the other party, although she would not like to believe the mind is apart from of the change is just the affair for an instant, would not like to believe feelings remains weak unbearable after precipitating of years, would not like to believe to silently wait for after is a silent bite on granite, some lose is predestined, some predestinations can't have a result forever, those beautiful dream, deeply soak through the wound of the heart most painful bottom, can not take back again the love that she has to believe that she puts to fly, she feels that she has already had no already the road can back.Di Juan thinks that whether oneself to thousand turn 100 times but the constant love expect to too high, but make her sink into the territory ground of everlasting perdition.The Di Juan stops weeping over, she slowly realizes own felling, she thinks to love to is a kind of felling, it makes, even if being heart-broken will also feel sweet, even if pain and sufferings will also feel happy broken up will also feel beautiful.Is this own love.She feels if this is very own love, really is a Qi fan, two hearts can never mutually depend on, very far away, the in the mind that can put at each other, if Chen Niang is precipitated to heart bottom, grave in with the horary passage the memory at each other in, meeting elephant knife the sting put in the deep place of oneself's heart, until oneself is painful body the benumbed brain is hollow none thing, but oneself can be silent have no language, silent comprehension, silent concern, silently remember fondly, silent wish.After, no matter oneself is much mostly old, no matter how family's friend urge, she can't easily tee off to love a person to marry a this card.
Chapter 28

The CL base commander member Di greatly becomes just at and the superior send of senior clerk Wu of the astronautics group talk.When he hears a daughter the room Ying weeping over of Ying a voice, he is stunned speechless.
"How?"Senior clerk Wu saw Di greatly become one eye, " Di commander, is be not I come of not the that time wait.Want to be not, I walked, we another day discussed it later.Not not, should say to make collective report to you.On the time in your office, I once said to you, the affair of cosmos is too difficult to say purely, the affair in the cosmos wants to mean to say to be pure more elephant to manage one regiment snarled hemp."
"Not, might as well matter of."Di greatly becomes to stand up some embarrassedly smile for a while, " is all right of, is my daughter.You hold on a moment, I go to and come right away."
The Di greatly becomes the doorway of the room of arriving at the Di Juan, he is hesitant for a while, still kept raising hand to knock to knock on door.
The Di Juan in the house no longer weeps over, but frees to Di to greatly become how knock on door, the Di Juan in the house just shouted a "I went to bed."Then no longer take to manage Di to greatly become.
The Di greatly became self-ridicule ground to smile to smile and had already turned round to walk.
Senior clerk Wu sees Di greatly become interest very high and then continue he greatly becomes with Di of topic.Senior clerk Wu says that any direction sees go from the permafrost, faraway galaxies be all leaving us but go, past can release a cosmos at the inflation, and leave we more far galaxy, the speed keeping off is more quick.About in 15,000,000,000 year agos, all materials in the cosmos highly and intensively at 1:00, have the highest temperature, as a result have huge explosion.Massive explosion after, the material starts outwardly and greatly inflating, formed the cosmos that we see today.The whole process of massive explosion is complicated, now the foundation that can study from the theory up describe development history in the cosmos in past time immemorial.At these 15,000,000,000 was successively born in the middle of the year cluster of galaxies galaxy our the galaxy fixed star solar system planet satellite, our suns are just 1200,000,000,000 as in the fixed stars in the galaxy.Elephant our galaxy the same kind galaxy outside the galaxy river still have 10,0<0,00=.Discovered those faraway galaxies to all be keeping off us but go from prognosticate, leave we more far galaxy, the speed dashing away is more quick, as a result formed a dilatant cosmos.The material between the cosmoses is mainly a proton, electronics and light son and some ratio lighter atomic nucleus.When the temperature declines to several thousands of, radiation decrease, the cosmos is mainly a gaseous material, the air coagulates gradually annoy cloud, again form various fixed star system of each kind further, become the cosmos that we see today, greatly the explosion starts about 13,700,000,000 year agos, smallest physical volume, pole high definition, pole heat degree.1043 cosmoses appear from the quantum background after the massive explosion.1035 same decompositions after the massive explosion for the strong dint, give or get an electric shock weak dint and gravitation.10510 degrees, proton and neutron formation after the massive explosion.After the massive explosion 0.01 second is 100,000,000,000 degrees, light son, electronics, win tiny son to descend for lord, proton neutron only having 1/1,000,000,000, hot equilibrium Tai, system sharply inflation, temperature and density continuously.30,000,000,000 degrees after being 0.1 after the massive explosion, neutron proton than descend to°from,000,000,000 degrees after being an after the massive explosion, win tiny son to outwardly escape, the plus or minus electronics Yan has never responded to appear and check dint still shortage tie neutron and proton.3,000,000,000 degrees after being 13.8 after the massive explosion, Dao and Hai the stable atomic nucleus chemical element form.After the massive explosion after 35 minutes 300,000,000 degree, check process to stop, still can not form a neutral atom.After the massive explosion after 30 ten thousand yearses 3000 degree, the chemistry combines a function to make neutral atom formation, main composition in the cosmos is a gaseous material, and gradually just coagulate into higher air cloud piece of density from the gravitation function bottom, until fixed star and fixed star system.Cosmos from then on quickly inflate, make density and temperature decline down from the originally the highest status, close behind, indicate that some processes that the proton Shuai changes also make the material amount far above the anti- material, like we today see of similar.The many basic grains son may also appear at this stage.Led for several seconds, the cosmos temperature was as low as to form some atomic nucleuses.This Related articles:

