
cheap beats by dre t open channel at

In the front of Ouyang ,the purple passages appear, a powerful attraction is to will Ouyang La in ,but Ouyang He Qiqiang ,which the nine order how could pull he now this immortal honour level strong .
relationresultSet ! Ouyang Dan refers to a void ,the void was not smooth was so was Ouyang where there was a very safe channel ,the channel alone is nine order ,even mortal can also be an easy job to the walk in them ,of course ,is the ordinary people can never come true the spirit world .
relationresultAfter all,the true spiritual world with small distance is too exaggerated ,if not the SG that space-time rated capacity ,with only one fly unless you can like Ouyang so powerful ,otherwise people go to die also cannot go .
relationresultWhen Ouyangopened the gateway to the true spirit of channel ,it is located in the true spirit of the city but soon crazy .This was not to receive SG appeared, but there are people who forcibly Nitian while ,in this world rules out a passage ,how can it not be surprising !relationresultSis !You see on that channel is the channel ? A year is about thirty years old the man watching from Pakistani side a beautiful woman asked .
relationresultBrother, I don ,supposedly the channel should have more than 20 years will appear ! The beautiful woman apparently did not understand why such a scene .So she firmly shook his head .
Not to mention is the two junior students ,and even true spiritual those hidden world strong were shocked .relationresultThe distance,an atmosphere of terror was mixed with each flight will stir vain man ,had come to this led over the city ,he looked at the sudden appearance of the SG channel eyes can .
Word by Baidu Post Bar ,hand ,support , relationresultIt canbe !This is somebody in the small world of get through a channel ,the channel should not world rules open channel difference ! Man thoroughly shocked .
Yes ,this moment Ouyang is the channel at least in this passage that he is God ,he can control the passage of time ,if this is not possible if he dare not to open the channel .Besides ,it is the true spiritual one channel only, not magic ,because the next Ouyang and through this passageway through the emergence of Feixianguan Formation of channel ,and then the two channel is connected together from there to draw power !relationresultSister look, it is one has three party will predecessors ! Man a shocked look at the sky it wrapped in three SG man .
relationresultBeforehis female apprentice answer ,then gradually came to several people, several people are wrapped in at least two colors ,what does this mean? This shows ,the people there are at least two party will have the strong .
relationresultIn thereal world ,it is medium in the world, can have two or three party will will the absolute pinnacle .After all, once you have the Quartet will, in the next time will have will power into Faerie of the gas, and then will soon feather flying fairy !relationresultLike the originaltrue spiritual but miserable, that time because of the Zhao Gang lock monster tower block everything ,so it is in the great world superpower .
Have a party will that is the pinnacle ,and finally out of a Wei Shi or is blocked at the Tianwaitian ,Ouyang had not come in a strange combination of circumstances ,estimated by Wei Shi to now also do not want to come out .
relationresult! In all people are watching this channel is unknown so when, suddenly shaking channel .Channel one palm to fly out and then in the true spiritual sky suddenly a tear ,then a flashing color brilliant channel actually in all before forming strong !relationresultThis is not possible ! The moment either strong or general will grade little man yelled up !The small world was opened out of the channel was flying out of a force of world will be shredded abruptly break to paradise passage ,but also belong to the world that control law emergence Feixianguan channel .
relationresultSmall world is one of the strong emergence of Feixianguan Formation ? There is a two hundred and fifty open .Said .But he uttered these words when he knew he was wrong ,have a look next to the strong ,which is not a watch two hundred and fifty look at him ?relationresultEclosionFeixianguan stage now even if the whole world is really a thousand years before one can feather fly immortal strength .
So strong is extremely difficult to see, but now the two hundred and fifty said the eclosion Feixianguan powerhouse in the small world ,which also Tainima funny !relationresultThatIf this is really okay ,even if this is not possible are possible ,but that is not the day light seance led ,but try to force open the path to paradise .
This open and was connected to primer walking is completely different .relationresultIsthe it with strong too, you can not resist you can only enjoy !It belongs to the victim .Slit is different, although also be strong again ,but it has been from the victim into criminals !Don the same is one thing ,but this is different ,if it is a crime to teach ,.
.. Uh ,... Seemingly far .relationresultWell,it ,and the presence of these people are not fools ,so they can understand to tear open the channel to the realm of how difficult it is ,the absolute as criminals to strong and a beautiful female star is more difficult .
relationresult! It is a world of shock penetration ,he saw a SG SG drop from the clouds ,which seemed to maintain world commanding general ,to blockade the torn open channel ,but that even before touch to the channel ,was a red arrows to direct detonation into pieces !relationresultWant to stop me ,you too tender ! A voice from the world of the channel to wear out ,this sound with a deep sense of loneliness and a deep sense of self-confidence ,self-confidence that let the true spirit of a public power has begun to doubt is it right? Hear God ,cheap beats by dre.
relationresult... ... A ringing ,then saw the split to paradise in heaven the channel has made a turn ,followed the pathway to the small world channel link together .relationresultTooweird !Too weird !This moment all think so .
Power split opening to the small world of the channel ,the people present a universal do ,after all it is not so difficult ,but the presence of it is the overlord of the party .relationresultButto tear open Xianjie channel ,in the presence of a decisive said he will not .
Because of the presence of the all clear ,want to do that you at least if immortal !And is the most primary of Feixianguan Formation, at least if the absolute strong immortal ,that God may fist from the fairyland opens a door into the rest of the world are absolutely sitting on the side of the strong .
relationresultSoall the people present were lost ,they really don why the little world ,so there will be a strong .relationresultYou ,his powerful far exceeds our imagination !See you soon ! Somebody is pointing to the already gradually connected together in a channel ,and to hear his words we all understand what he meant .
relationresultOpenchannel is horrible, but Fairy Statue was able to do ,but open channel at the same time make a channel in accordance with their tricks are connected together ,this is terrible !relationresultSet ! It is a word from Ouyang Kouzhong appeared ,Ouyang once again the passage to paradise to fixed ,only this time the true spirit than fixed to channel Ouyang to trouble a lot, and not so free . Related articles:

