
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj ong Huang all in one

All held still all of a sudden.
These guardants fix for, is all "dollar fairy highest point", even fixing of half saint for, but where is the square's cold opponent?
The one step stepped to go into hall.
"!The courage is a lot too big!"
"He incredibly the shot break a guardant and got in to decide a palace in?Is this exactly what is the row?Did the sky change?Is his courage so big?"
"Who give his courage?The s ī rushes to decide a palace, this is to rebel."
"Really is rebel!Immediately notify many sages."………Presently go to heaven as a fairy the n superior of m é all shocked get stagnant live, descend a moment just return to absolute being, immediately of, the Jing clock is long to blare, all irritating to the ear to sharpen to give a long whistle everywhere, resounding through of huge war drum Dong Dong Dong, crisis atmosphere, spread densely on all sides, seem is went to heaven as a fairy m é n to encounter the crisis juncture of the life and death alive or dead.
Allowing is much more of the absolute being read, closely this that Fu, deliver to arrive to go to heaven as a fairy m é n each deep place, call strong sage, the emperor goes to fairy to come.
The old curio that even there are some soundly asleeps is all awakenned.
Shua Shua Shua!Is some to depend recent sage, directly land arrive in the square, inquired to take place what affair, find out all of a sudden clearly, presented to explode with rage on the face of absolute being s è.
But the square cold one step step to go into "decide palace" and listen to after death this that the Fu fly sharp give a long whistle, presented on the face y ī n cold smiling face, but the look in the eyes hope to see front, is numerous huge Wang Zuo, surround at Wang Zuo the most central, huge white s è Wang Zuo top, seemed to spread all over the feather m á o, is slightly twinkling, present the gentleman face world, the breathing of the sovereign invincibility.
This white the feather m of the s è á o Wang Zuo is a feather the emperor convene congressional position at ordinary times, ten thousand myriad people on, sovereign go to a pole.
His Shua for a while, flew up, steady be to be of at white the s è feather m á o Wang Zuo up, the this king sits upright a top biggest, both sides all confidence not arrive arm-rest, the wreath attends to on all sides, there is a kind of Gao Gao at up, few person in the Gu house's flavor.This is the emperor's breathing, a teach of.
"In the customs, I sit upright top of go to heaven as a fairy the m é n throne, become Zhang to teach sovereign, and now the going to heaven as a fairy of boundary m é on sky n, I also sit up the Zhang teach a throne, can hold big power, see cleaning of today."The square is cold to sit upright at white the s è feather m á o Wang Zuo up, of in a flash in heart, feeling all 100001000.
In the customs, sit last the throne isn't rare, also sit in the boundary in sky up throne!
The fist is tiny to hold up, he immediately has the flavor that a kind of hand holds big power.Boundary in the sky goes to heaven as a fairy m é n the unlike customs go to heaven as a fairy m é n, there are numerous sages, the power and influence is biggest.
"He incredibly sit last the Zhang teach a sovereign throne!"
"This breeze good luck, incredibly sit last the feather emperor's throne, damn!Is really a treachery, greatly negative not way, I go to heaven as a fairy m é n in have never appeared pupil like this, incredibly dare to go so greatly negative not the matter of way."
"Notice notifies!All people!All saint sons, even gold fairy, all arrive at here.Is together everyone but offend it!"
"Is damned!Is greatly negative the way reverse the universe not, should be cut to pieces!"
"I go to heaven as a fairy m é the n really need to change sky?"…….
At square cold sit upright in going to heaven as a fairy the n feather emperor throne of m é of, almost all people all almost fly into a rage, not only is the pupil of China house, connect outside surname pupil, ascend elder too much, sovereign elders all lung all annoy deep-fried, the everyone roars and shouts and absolutely dares not believes and has never appeared an affair like this and went to heaven as a fairy m é the n built up hundred million in the last years, ever since that time gentleman in China sky open Zong Li Pai and have no pupil to have so big of the courage is thousand times absolutely terror.
Allowing is much more of sage, decline to drop down, arrive at to decide hall a front, distance, continuously have a dollar fairy to lead saint son, the saint son leads the core gold fairy pupil, all to decide palace front come together.
The square is cold to carry a regular positive the emperor is at the feather throne up, look in the eyes have no the slightest of facial expression, seem idol, aeon from ancient times motionless.
"Is that breeze good luck?Does he want to do what?"
At this moment, falsely the saint sons like Mu cloud,etc also arrived m é the n send in, got news, immediately rush through to decide a palace, follow leading of a few sageses, the square who fell to see sit upright in the big palace in the square is cold, immediately is all shocked.
"The elder brother of the breeze, you what is this a stem?Come down at once, you brought big disaster, do you know?"Sun Shi draws absolutely incognizant square cold.
Way Xu saint son, Chen one eyebrow ascends persons like elder,etc too much, also shivers all over and speaks words.
China shakes a sky, Zhu Zhong Yang, ten thousand superiors like Xian,etcs also landed here, beginning is surprise, but delight with unexpected good news later on, they know, square cold this next is dead settle, bring this Mi big disaster in the sky, is to revolt big offense, who can not save him.
"Breeze good luck this was the Oniomania, we also wanted to deal with him, result he brings Mi by himself for sky big disaster!Too like, too like, he from try to commit suicide road, no one can give relief to him."Zhu Zhong Yang gives a long whistle a way.
"Is quite good, he is dead settle, greatly negative not way."
"Do not say person Nu of China house, even if is an outside the sage of the surname, emperor all Nu.Went to heaven as a fairy m é n to when once appear this pupil in day?"
"The sky does misdeed, having can live for, bringing disaster to self, canning not."
The three greatest pupils are with full intention happy.
Bomb Long!The blue sky is torn to pieces descend one big piece, the of an emperor declines to drop down and directly fell in to decide a palace in.
"Soldier's emperor came!Incredibly disturbed so strong old curio!Although he isn't the strong of China house, an outside surname of emperor, but is an ancient emperor, never participate in fighting of China house and outside surname, even Chinese Chang, the feather emperors all respect him three cent."
Soldier's emperor condescends to come.
This is an old curio, the breathing is arrogant, unexpectedly outstripped a dark emperor, heart emperor, kill an emperor, going to heaven as a fairy the m é n time immemorial world distinguished to the fairy.
Once he land hall, the look in the eyes sees to the square is cold, in the look in the eyes the intention to murder is deeply:"Is greatly negative the thing of way give not I come down!"
On making moves, the huge Zhang appears, must the weapon is in one Zhang and toward a square cold carry on shot to kill.
Chapter 1,296 dint presses emperor's
Chapter 1,296
The square is cold to be good at to rush "decide palace", directly sit last the Zhang of "feather emperor" teach Wang Zuo, the behavior like this , in anyone's eyes, all is greatly negative the behavior of the way not, however he resists pretty the prestige of clan have already spread to go out, the everyones all know this pupil badly.
The common sage doesn't dare to make moves to him.
He is fierce to Wei He He and is many people's noodles and cuts "treasure saint""sad saint""Huan saint" that five Yue absolute being believe in to all kill, the direct chain turns, where does the common sage dare to resist him?
Also only go to fairy emperor then can make moves to him.
"Soldier's emperor" appears, for this kind of greatly negative not the behavior of the way, can not tolerate naturally, toward square cold directly is one Zhang, teed off soldier's way of "the soldier faces world" to kill to recruit.
"Soldier's emperor, do you make moves to me?BE what affair?"
The square is cold to face soldier's emperor to make moves, absolute being s è from such as, space looking at to continuously collapse, hundred million weapon, none of look in the eyeses blinked to fly for a while, on his body huge Long Zhao, be get empty a to shoot, all weapons fell into Long Zhao.
That dragon claw sent forth later on sovereign and unlimited breathing, too thou Hong Huang all in one Zhang, "Zu Long Yin!", In the y dragon's í n, soldier's emperor's palm is shaken fragmented and disorganized, the body retreated 2.
Soldier emperor face s once the è change, Zhang Kou Yi vomits, on the hand many one pole Be huge square sky of to draw Ji, the body jumps up, the huge Ji Feng tears to pieces space, and the hundred million ghost absolute being appears.
"Revolt, connect my ghost absolute being one shot!"
The square sky drew Ji to seem to live to come over in soldier's emperor's hand,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, crescent moon the Ji Feng gleam cold light, incise curve, delineate to kill, absolute being diagram, toward square cold, carry on wringing to kill.
"Soldier's emperor, you this is seeking

