
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu rous start to walk

Of good matter.
The way of Qiong Si:"All of another mercenary soldier regiments is so the one step one step climb up of, we how can exception!We never think some unreachable matters."
His words as if give sharp advice, fly the wild goose south to to knock awake, the wild goose south flies meaning just arrive oneself today emotion some lose control.He knows he because the after the event that listenned to Renault, would so of, however, this also means that he fixs for still not enough, especially the disposition still needs to whet to do.
Know oneself problem is where, the wild goose south flew to calm down down very quickly and said:"Good!Let let's start to start in from the self-made man!"
The Qiong Si peeped out the smiling face of grace.

The second gathers a pair of dragons will chapter 10 lose
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Chapter 10 loses
The wild goose south flies to decide to connect some tasks that deliver goods with Qiong Si after negotiating.
Although, the task delivering goods mostly delivers distance very far, the grade is also mostly a F class.However, the wild goose south flies a free ring, he completely connects a few tasks with same destination at a time, a time of carry the goods to.And, with his speed, the root can't exceed the term of task.
Their 2 people decides that the head in cent acts, is been responsible for by the Qiong Si to take office a duty, and chase goods concentration together.The wild goose south flies to then be responsible for carrying.They all answer of arrive the task of nearby city.
A batch of goods are matched together by five goods of tasks of, breeze You that need to be delivered to south river opposite shore in the sky city.
The wild goose south flew to spend to is breeze You city for five days, and still took ship for the first time, although take ship for the first time, can he didn't appear a seasick circumstance.
The breeze You city stands erect at vast of flow in the breeze plain, very prosperous, however, compare with card mulberry city to still have a certain margin.In the blue emperor Si federal country also only have cities blue sky city all can and the card mulberry city compare.
The wild goose south flies to breeze You city after, used time to send goods to come for a day.Then answered some tasks that deliver cargo card mulberry city again, deliver goods to return to card mulberry city.He was to contend for dividing Duo second now, didn't do a short moment to loiter in the breeze You city.
Such a return, the wild goose south flew to promote to F class with mercenary soldier grades and mercenary soldier regiment grade of Qiong Si all.Get stripe is thus easy, however, who ability elephant wild goose the south fly so cow spirit and unexpectedly deliver goods with the space ring.
The Qiong Si sees mercenary soldier graded so quick and then becamed F classed and also had some concussion, way:"Eldest brother has never thought us so quickly and then born one class!"'Eldest brother'this title is what wild goose south fly to let Qiong Si call, he always listens to'south fly eldest brother'this a few word uncomfortable, because of have a little the form of address of the elephant lover's.
The wild goose south flies a mild way:"This has what, I am still a bit carefree slow!To pull!You did next task answer and arrive where?"
The Qiong Si smiles a way:"Have already answered six F class tasks, all is deliver goods white emperor city, I ask persons all and transported the goods to together, wait you this is super to deliver cargo a car back to deliver."
"Go to white emperor city?Like, I immediately load goods, then set out right away."
"Eldest brother, you also need not so worried.Your weary and tired from travelling of, should take a rest well for a day to set out again."
"Need not, this weariness from overwork doesn't calculate what."The wild goose south flies to think of so want to arrive so quickly white emperor city, completely is because of is going to seek Kai to be especially.He wants that going is thankful for a while Kai especially this friend, if not that he by himself also can't so the scene Be getting more infinite.
The Qiong Si didn't say again what, he flies but admires very much to the wild goose south of, certainly can't answer criticism wild goose the south flies of meaning.
After packing good goods, the wild goose south flies a way:"Qiong Si, you are temporarily not connecting the task of delivering the goods, you can connect some tasks that can complete inside the city at the card mulberry, or the rest can be also.My arriving white this time emperor city may delay several weathers."
The way of Qiong Si:"Okay,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, the south flies an eldest brother bon voyage!"
The wild goose south flies and returns to white emperor city, this is the third time he arrived white emperor city.Arrive every time white the scenes of the emperor city are all different, his mood is also totally different.
For the first time, he is still down and out, want to bother for belly every day, and just 9 years old, dim prospect.He in the mind hopes to find out a work to be just to get along, as for is other him don't have excessive consideration.
For the second time, he comes out in fog forest from the fan, the fighting skill has results to show, he fights an idea high, a wish to revenge to avenge.
This time, his mood has variety again, his beginning sets up mercenary soldier regiment, and the Shu aroma also just develops business for him, everything all facing good direction development.His energetic and daring greatly has one the exhibition boxing the idea of feet.
After arriving a white emperor a city, he doesn't have momentary to seek Kai especially.
He hands over tasks first to all connect to complete, take a rest a night, second sky noon just slowly long walk to the sorcery labor union.
Gradually rises from the east for a red day, the sky ten thousand insides have no cloud, a wash such as green jade.The warm spring breeze lightly once blows and took one silk plant of fragrant, let people feel booming source of vitality.
The wild goose south flies pure spirit of absolute being great and vigorous, start to walk road to come to vehemence hundred percent, the generosity of spirit is extraordinary, let the pedestrian all cannot help but looking askance at to hope mutually.However, the face that they all see the not pure wild goose south flying.
The wild goose south flies to know that oneself is very big in the white emperor city reputation, fears to ask for to bother.So, he early has preparation and hasn't gone into the city and then hid hair to get up with the turban, even the faces are all held up greater half.
On entering sorcery labor union, the wild goose south flew and then tooked turban down.Labor union's taking care of is still a past is that person, he recognized wild goose the south fly, and right away to Kai especially notify go to.
Is different to engrave, the Kai was outstanding to come.He big passionate way:"Old younger brother, you finally came, I hoped that the stars hopes that the moon give°s you to hope on the whole."
The wild goose south flies to say with smile:"Old elder brother, you are so worried,have what matter don't become?"
Kai especially way:"That pours to have no, however, I want to congratulate you first, you now is a sky, haughtiness of the very influential and person in the Yu mainland."
The wild goose south flies a modest way:"That still doesn't all not is the old elder brother's achievement, if not that old elder brother's half I publicizee, I estimate now and is also a text not.Thank old elder brother!"He is all very smart, make the achievements of sorcery labor union arriving the Kai on the whole especially in the head.
Kai especially very satisfied that the words flying wild goose south say:"Where, where!I only and slightly more guide and support just, the whole still your own effort."
The wild goose south flies to say with smile:"Should say to is our two result that cooperation just has in fact.Old elder brother, you say BE?"
2 people mutually see cachinnation to get up.
Kai especially way:"Still need to tell you a good news, your data sold well, more than 15,000,000,000 populations in the whole mainlandses, have the data to buy you more than 400,000,000 people.I settle of the price is a copper currency a , be that as it may, your income also has more than 20,000 gold coins.In a short while, I give you the gold coin."
20,000 gold coins fly to the wealth atmosphere of now thick wild goose south to say, don't calculate what.However, he still keeps packing an excited matchless shape, way:"Unexpectedly and unexpectedly there are so many incomes, be really thank old elder brother too much.I decide to ask an old elder brother to drink to celebrate together and also invite old elder brother to accept."
"This is certainly!"The Kai is especially in high glee.He knows that himself/herself and wild goose south flies of relate to again near one step.
The wild goose south flies part and Kai to talk especially, head inside but have been deliberating.He unexpectedly buys the person of data unexpectedly so many, he working one Shan, and then had profitable good idea.
"Old elder brother, I have an idea again, particular can earn big money, don't know if the old elder brother has interest?"The wild goose south flies to smile a way.
"!The old younger brother has again what suggest so much, speak to listen to quickly."The Kai flies those to the wild goose south especially strange think strange notions was full of interest.
The wild goose south flies a way:"In fact, very simple, sell my data for the elephant similar.You the sorcery labor union can chase some topic sortings with interested in everyone for collecting on the paper, then periodically sell, I believe to buy

