
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj mber of had better

 Thus the artistic talent outstandingly will get, Wang Can the nature gladly accept.
So far, Wang Can's troops can line up of ascend number of the force will have Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei and high agreeable and strict Yan, week Cang and Pei dollar Shao, sweet rather etc. person.However, so many force will in the middle, person can take charge as chief, but only have Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and sweet rather although 3 people, strict Yan and Gao Shun is also quite good,all have weakness, still kept differing a front line, slightly worse.
So, Wang Can expects returning of Xu Rong to follow very much.
There is Xu Rong that become number of, had better however.
Xu Rong's hands were been after death sitting by the Fu, to see an eye a king more first, and saw eye Li Ru later on.As for Wang Can disguises as of a Jing strengthen man, although is martial and extraordinary,do not go into Xu Rong's eyes at all.Five flavours in his heart miscellaneous Chen, which the free carefree effort goes to a careful observation vegetable and doesn't acquaint with of person.
Xu Rong is always silent, he quietly sit at first, an on every occasion.
Didn't take a meal for several days, the Xu Rong's facial expression was pale, seemed to be some annoy weak.However, in Hun muddy eyes but deeply the point order naked, the spirit of the dead Ji in the eyes has already disappeared cleanly and becomes more and more bright.Very long after.Xu Rong says:"Like, I follow Wang Can together with you and do obeisance him as lord Mr.."
Li Ru has never made a noise to talk, but Wang Can loudly talked.
In the big debt, original very of calmness.Particularly is Xu Rong the voice is also a Ji Ji to have no voice after falling in, Wang Can comes all of a sudden of a greatly drink, like a deep-fried thunder in the flat ground, very show off.
This lets for a while Xu Rong Xin in surprised.
However, Xu Rong remains have no to recognize Wang Can's identity.He saw Wang Can Ji's eyeses, just feeling Wang Can's feature is a bit familiar looking, didn't discover any not satisfactory.He sees toward Li Ru, and then sees eye Wang Can and says:"Adult Lee, you after death of bodyguard why thus rude, might it not be is Wang Can to send comer?"
In addition to this, Xu Rong unexpectatively still has what reason.
Li Ru Bai eye Wang Can, the front soon just makes Wang Can dead silent down, don't shows off and and makes a noise indiscriminately now.
He spreads a hand and helplessly says:"Slowly general, pay a courtesy call on a lord Mr., you at present of person, would be the lord of benefit state, just he easily permitted, so just wasn't recognized out."Li Ru You You says and take one silk in the tone helpless, on the stand so of the lord is male, really make Li Ru depressed.
Once Wang Can Hei's Hey smile and walk to come forward to, say:"Slowly general, welcome to join benefit state, this big family"
Xu Rong careful Chou Chou Wang Can, bitter and astringent on smiling, soon after the arch hand does obeisance a way:"Xu Rong, Xu Chang Ming, pays a courtesy calls on the lord is male."
Wang Can's point nods, the hands start to give Xu Rong and take bright smiling face on the face.Xu Rong joins, his troops then has four talented persons who can only block one noodles.
In order to being sweet rather, the identity keeps secret, can not also expose, then having Xu Rong, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun can garrison one square, this several people are all great commander that herds to guard one square at least.In the future Wang Can's ordinary members, would be these people to set up.Wang Can wanted to think, order way:"The text is excellent, let people give long carry some meals to come up clearly, he the few sunsets have been already taken a meal, the belly is all empty, perhaps already hungry must soon faint off in the past, can not insist."
Xu Rong Wen's speech, appreciate of hoped eye Wang Can.
Li Ru You resents of looking at Wang Can, is he surprisingly?
However, for Wang Can thus concern an inferiority, in Li Ru Xin also some regretses, if Dong Zhuo can refrain from rash action temperament, not brutal kill people, not extremely conceited arrogance, can gift wise corporal, can the boon Wei combine benefit, the situation then isn't to die the end that the clan puts out, then probably become develop ten thousand a life time river's mountains of found a nation of Zu.
Li Ru's point nods and says:"Lord male, you still stand at me after death."
Wang Can asks a way:"Why?"
Li Ru Hei's Hey smiled to smile and said:"If the soldier, who come in, discover sitting of your swagger is in the tent and reports news the report to Fan dense etc. person, not is expose a farcing.In order to weigh, your safety still well stands to move, don't at will make a noise, so as not to be realized your identity, the most safe like this."
What Wang Can hated stared Li Ru, peep out you malicious facial expression, then stand at Li Ru after death.
Li Ru wears a smile and yells 1, lets to guard the soldier outside the tent to carry to meal and lets the satisfied belly of Xu Rong Tian.
Xu Rong E get confused panic of, early be can not endure any more, after untying the cordage of tie~upping the hands, very some kind of greatly eat to eat especially, just fill satisfied belly.After once having a meal, although Xu Rong's feature remains distress,the whole individual's spirit qualities took place to change, the cheek still keeps seeming to be a bit distressed, but a pair of deep Mous sons are healthy and energetic, seem to be self-confidence calmly.
At this time, Xu Rong Xiang how can perfectly deservedly return agreeable Wang Can.
He is Zhang Xiu grasps to come of decline will, be detained in the soldier, is not likely to leave army camp.However, continue to stay then army camp can surrender, he has already surrendered Wang Can, isn't a dense Fan person, how explain toward the dense Fan need to be worked out currently of problem.Xu Rong Xiang think, say:"Adult Lee, although I return an agreeable lord male, can now ……"
Proper at the time that Xu Rong talked, the tent unauthorized biography came to urgent step voice.The soldier who guards tent runs to tent doorway and says:"Adult, the Fan general, general piece and general Lee comes to visit!"
Li Ru wants to don't think as well and immediately says:"Please!"
Words sound after falling in, not much, the Fan is dense, piece the benefit and Li Meng arrive together.
Li Ru sees 3 people wear a smile, obviously is know news that Xu Rong eats, figuring out Xu Rong has already been persuaded by him.Is for this reason, three talented persons quickly rush through to come over and want to pacify Xu Rong.Li Ru secretly nods to signal hint to Xu Rong, Xu Rong Jian this, also understand Li Ru's meaning, the station starts an arch hand way:"Xu Rong pays a courtesy calls on three generals!"
Fan dense 3 people see Xu Rong healthy and energetic, repeatedly nod and keep talking to pacify Xu Rong.Particularly thought of that Xu Rong becomes the person of western cool soldier, the Fan is dense to then be rolling on the floor laughing.
One leads troops great commander, finally'return fluently'they.
PS:Protect bottom midnight, continue to beg to collect, fresh flowers.Tonight continue to add more, renewal night time, everyone can with tomorrow again see.
PS:Is another, Xu Rong's word could not check, for this reason compile a , don't pursue.

The ninth Dong Zhuo dies, world in disorder the purpose of chapter 508 Gu Xu(add more 9)
The fragrance of books house renews time:2011-9-29:02:15 chapter word numbers:3901

The public cent guest falls, the Fan is dense to say:"Slowly the general can re- return to a western cool soldier, is me western cool soldier of a greatly luckily matter.Have slowly general help, the confidence capturing Chang-an increases for several cents again.If Wang Fang and certainly the etc. western cool soldier will get to lead troops to come to help each other, time capturing Chang-an then canned be expected soon."
Fan dense clear voice cachinnation, peep out glad facial expression on the face.
Li Meng's point nods, the eyes fan receives, good after imagining to capture Chang-an power Qing the day of the world.
Zhang Ji lifts up head to see toward the station at Li Ru after death of Wang Can, say:"Wang Shan, Mr. Li sits in the big debt at present, the soldier in multiple layers guards, the safety of need not your protection Mr. Li, you also come over to sit down."Zhang Ji nods regards with Xu Rong after sitting down, but doesn't talk with Xu Rong, direct send goodwill gestures to Wang Can.
After Fan is dense to hear, the eyes tiny Mi rises, flash across in Mou a cold light.
The vision that Lee receives is a bit confusing, but wide awake all of a sudden, good drive piece the words for helping stimulated similar.
Three people are the great commander of all western cool soldier.
Li 傕 , Guo Si and cow's assisting has already departed from this life, the western cool soldier inside is that the Fan is dense now,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, Lee receives to sign with Zhang Ji's tripod, each have a square influence.However, the 3 people but again solidifies together and resists enemy together, is the ally of mutual cooperation.But the inchoate time can solidify unanimously, along with the gradual aggrandizement of right, the mutual then had pimple.
Take Wang Can to say, the Shu preeminence of Wang Can Jian, the dint presses Zhang Xiu and has to 3 people's favor.
Three people all want to invite Wang Can.
Superficially, three people all write to think for western cool soldier and enlist a talented person for western cool soldier.Can physically but isn't such, who invite Wang Can, affirmation is the Di that integrates Wang Can into the troops to fasten troops, but don't put Wang Can in the another 2 people's soldier.Therefore, is Chang-an more and more near in the distance

